
"Beri aku pelajaran TERSULIT, aku akan BELAJAR" Maryamah Karpov

Wajahku sujud kepada Allah yang menciptakannya, dan yang membuka pendengaran dan penglihatannya

Dengan daya dan kekuatan dari-Nya, maka Maha Suci Allah, Sebaik-baik pencipta

(Tilawah Sajadah)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Good Morning My Self


Today is a beautiful morning I found. Since I have used my past long weeks without sleep enough. It was so hard to keep my eye open. Last night I have taken my sleep at 00:49 after finishing some of my school works. Even last night I read another information, hoho I have no idea by reading other which is not related in my task. I just get a little bored by reading my lesson, even I enjoy the psychology. I just feel I need relax, go to the forest, play water, collect flowers and run to catch the butterfly. Just like what I have done about 3 month ago in Istanbul Tulip Festival. I used my whole day enjoy the day and having a hundred photographs. That was to be my time only, the only :D

Last night after finish in reading my lesson book I surfing some flowers festival in the world, give attention how could people catch that photograph so beautiful. Since photography is my pleasure. I love it very much, really. I can waste a lot of my time to have the satisfy one. And without any complain...haghhagh. Play with children and having a photograph...are the most that I forget my time to do other, after writing. I do really enjoy three of these activities, and I have no any reason why?

This morning, I planned to go to METU library, find additional references to my task paper, even that library is sooooo faaar from my dormitory. But, there I can find a thousand of book that I really need. Wokkey, I have to prepare. Have a breakfast, clean my self and then have a time to go there...BRAVO my day! Thank Allah for pushing me to have sukur for my lovely day.

Sakura Romawi Timur, Ankara 08062014

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