
"Beri aku pelajaran TERSULIT, aku akan BELAJAR" Maryamah Karpov

Wajahku sujud kepada Allah yang menciptakannya, dan yang membuka pendengaran dan penglihatannya

Dengan daya dan kekuatan dari-Nya, maka Maha Suci Allah, Sebaik-baik pencipta

(Tilawah Sajadah)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dear Allah, is there any big secret?

Bagaimana memulai tulisan malam ini?

Bismillah. Beberapa minggu ini tugas analisis jurnal membuat kepala ini terasa penuh. Meski dari setiap analisis tugas membuat hati semakin bertanya, apa yang sebenarnya tengah Allah rahasiakan untuk diri ini ya Rabb? 


This is one of the knowledge that I do really loved one. Even I never limit my self not to love another area. I realized that I was graduated from English department in my graduate. I have taught various level ages of students. Maybe that one of the thing that make me decide to learn Psychology. Last night when I have analyzed one of the journal I ask to my self what is it Allah? Gender Personality in Children!

Dear Allah..I asked to my self. Is there any big secret that You prepared for me by learning this knowledge. Is there any big secret that make me fall in love to learn psychology. Is there any "thing" that maybe I used to be a psychologist for the next? And after I jumped to this area and began to read everything about and make me ask to my self "what is it Allah?" I felt that I lost one thing that actually really important. Many theories bring my taught fight what is it? I felt that this subject bring people against the exist of Allah. 

Allah please guide me in everything that I learn. Do not let me walk alone. Allah Guide me in every thing that I learn. Do not let me walk far without involve You in everything. I realize that it is not a simple job for me, since I found a lot of western thought in this area. And I realize my knowledge in Islam is still so little, so small. Allah guide me please, guide me Allah. Let these to be one of my way to be closer to You, Allah. To be closer to You, Allah..

Sakura RT
Ankara, winter 26 October 2014

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