
"Beri aku pelajaran TERSULIT, aku akan BELAJAR" Maryamah Karpov

Wajahku sujud kepada Allah yang menciptakannya, dan yang membuka pendengaran dan penglihatannya

Dengan daya dan kekuatan dari-Nya, maka Maha Suci Allah, Sebaik-baik pencipta

(Tilawah Sajadah)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

HKUST 2013 One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition


HKUST 2013 One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition

I am very pleased to officially announce the launch of the "HKUST 2013 One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition" which will be held on 30 May 2013 at Hong Kong Club Building, 15/F, Central, Hong Kong.
The Competition is open to all full-time and part-time students at all levels including post-docs, as well as alumni, faculty and staff from all academic departments within HKUST. This year, we also open it to local, mainland and international schools with the condition that the competing teams must have at least one HKUST member in their organization and their business proposals should have a primary focus of starting an innovative business in this region. Applicants who might need support in finalizing their business ideas can receive support from our mentor pool that is available in our web pages.
All submissions will be in English and will be made online: (online form).

There will not be a limit on the topics, however, we encourage applicants to focus on the emerging areas such as, nanotechnology, information technology, renewable energy, environment, health, financial services, logistics and social entrepreneurship. For other details, please refer to: 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kabar dari negeri impian #kembang2 mimpi

“Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and, therefore, the foundation of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.” 

You know, pecinta Turki,emm, tapi saya mau panggi kamu pada dengan "sang Fatih" gimana, hehe, soalnya Turki itu identik dengan Al-Fatih, inget kan. Hari gini belum nonton, donlod dulu deh ya di You tube.

#Kabar dari negeri impian "Tatil Hosgeldiiiin"

Pukul 01.00 dini hari. 

Apa kabar sahabat pecinta turki Hoaheem, kangen ngetiks yaks di blog. Lama betul tak nulis. Alhmdulillah aku baru rampung ujian bahasa Turki, perjuangan yang berat. Beratnya sebelum menghadapi, soalnya aku demam panas, 3 hari menjelang ujian. Badanku demam tinggi, dan kepalaku berat sekali waktu itu. Hal ini terjadi akibat, seminggu sebelumnya aku bermain salju di musim dingin, kondisi tubuhku menurun drastis, wkwk...alhmdulillah ujian bahasa sudah rampung untuk tingkat 1 dan 2, insha Allah besok pagi menjemput Tatil, alias Libur selama 2 minggu. Dan juga aku sudah sehat. alhmdulillah, thak berat to umi dewi, atas perawatan yang diberikan padaku selama sakit.